Certainly the list of unanswered questions will get bigger over time, but I was really hoping it would stay under 2 pages long (when listing 50 questions/page) for much longer. The longer the list of unanswered questions, the more of a "jungle" it is to go through.
Let's shorten the list!
Here are some related questions on the topic of shortening our unanswered questions list:
- We have let our answer ratio slip, let's do something about it!
- Helping to get unanswered questions answered: What are the communities where we can notify people of our questions?
- We've never had such a long string of unanswered questions before, what might be the reason it happened recently?
Also if you see a question that you might be able to answer if more details are given, do not hesitate to write a comment asking for more details. If you see that a user that asked the question seems to have completely disappeared from the site or is not answering questions in the comments, then consider flagging the question as "abandoned" so that it can be removed from the unanswered queue (it can always be brought back if the user returns).