
Our site is among the strongest to enter Public Beta in the last several years, but there is a lot of work to be done. There might never be a better time than now, to help make this site a huge success.

Below are some things you can do now that would greatly benefit the site. Feel free to take on any of the these tasks, and when you have you could perhaps write an answer here (and/or in the relevant linked post), which I'm sure would be upvoted in appreciation for your help!


You can use the template below to edit the ads on any SE:

[![Common topics on Matter Modeling SE][1]][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/GVzhj.png
  [2]: https://mattermodeling.stackexchange.com/

Community Projects

  • If we want a custom design or extra financial support, we can reach out to our potential sponsors. We might find that some of the tasks in this list which people here might find too tedious to do (like creating a logo or advertising) become easier when there's a large company supporting our initiative.
  • Create a chat room that has feeds for whenever people ask relevant questions on other sites. Add feeds that you think will be of general interest

Meeting our targets

Community Specific Guidelines

  • We can set our own guidelines for voting, closing, deletion, etc. (in addition to the guidelines that are network-wide).
  • We can create a Bill of Rights, like PhysicsOverflow has.

Community Feedback

  • Construct a survey to find out what our community feels we need most to do and what where we do not need to waste focus (e.g. attacking low-quality questions vs clearing up unanswered queue, how often do you use chat, do you think we have too many chat rooms, etc.).
  • $\begingroup$ About answers-to-questions ratio, what is better: all questions with one answer each or some questions with many answers? $\endgroup$
    – Camps Mod
    Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 13:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The rough guideline for Beta sites is: at least 1 answer for 90% of the questions, and an average of 2.5 answers per question. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 13:26

1 Answer 1


While I haven't taken on any of the tasks listed above, I have alerted members of the THEOS and LSMO research groups at EPFL to the existence of this site and posted an announcement to the large European psi-k network.

In general, I feel that while cross-advertising on different stackexchange sites can't hurt, letting people in our own communities know about this site and encouraging them to ask questions here will be the biggest driver for site growth.


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