Based on my experience with other stack exchanges, I assumed that the content that people take the time to write here, would be easily citable, and in fact when advertising our site to professional colleagues and senior academics, I seem to have made the mistake of mentioning that any content they spend time on providing, will have an automatically generated BibTeX entry created for people to cite their work, as in this case:
Unfortunately I did not notice until now, that this was not configured as the default option, similar to the case for MathJaX and syntax highlighting.
I also can't help but to notice that this answer by Etienne and improved by Martin, is almost at the quality level of a scientific publication in an academic journal:
For such a detailed body of work, it would be nice to be able to cite this answer in our own academic publications.
Therefore, I wonder if we could have this feature, which is already on some other SEs, be added. This is not only because I advertised our site (during Area51, and then again at the opening of Private Beta) as having BibTeX generated for each question and answer (sorry, I didn't know that not all cites have this!), but also because it helps encourage high-quality participation from our users, who tend to publish citable papers for a living (60% of our Area51 committers being academics, professionals, experts, or researchers)?