I thought it might be worth making a brief explainer on one of the slight differences in protocol we have developed compared to other sites in the network: comment preservation.
On a lot of sites in the network, comments are seen as temporary, with information that should either be used to clarify a question or start/improve an answer. But there can be useful content in comments that don't make as much sense to incorporate into posts, either because it's tangentially related or is in format that doesn't translate well (e.g., debate or discussion). So what is to be done with these comments?
In most cases, the approach we have taken is just to leave any comment that hasn't become outdated (e.g. pointing out an error in a post that has been corrected). But there are cases where the comments can become distracting to the main post, either going into an extended discussion or just becoming too long to follow in a confined space. The OP can decide to send these to a chatroom specific to the question, but these rooms tend to get deleted (technically still visible to mods) due to lack of activity after a short time. This can lead to a large amount of content getting lost in these temporary rooms. So we want to discourage moving comments to temporary rooms if you are prompted to do so.
Instead, what we have generally done is manually move comments to specific topic rooms. This preserves the comments and organizes them in a way that is much easier for future users to find. While some of the steps to this process can only be done by mods, I'll outline in an answer below what general users can do to help with this effort to preserve comments.